Breast cancer or breast cancer: What are the symptoms? How to be careful?

 Breast cancer or breast cancer: What are the symptoms? How to be careful?
Breast cancer is 100% curable if detected at an early stage

According to the World Health Organization, more than 15 thousand people are affected by breast cancer in Bangladesh every year. More than 98 percent of them are women, but a very small number of men also get breast cancer.

About seven and a half thousand people die of this disease every year.

What is breast cancer?

Expert doctors say that the number of cancer patients in Bangladesh is increasing every year. Along with that, the rate of breast cancer is also increasing.

Doctors say that when some breast cells grow abnormally, those irregular and extra cells divide and become tumors or lumps.

It spreads to different parts of the body through blood vessel lymph (cell-juice) and other means. This tendency to spread is cancer.

What kind of symptoms do patients bring?

According to the calculations of the National Cancer Research Institute, more than one and a half lakh people are affected by cancer every year in the country.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Bangladesh.

Due to social conservatism, women in Bangladesh do not even want to utter the word breast in public, but even if there are any initial symptoms in the body, they hide them, which is why most of the patients turn to the doctor at the very last stage.

Dhaka Central International Medical College Professor Dr. Nazneen Nahar said, not only women but also men can be affected by breast cancer. However, the risk is higher in women.

He said, "Since there is a lack of awareness about breast cancer in Bangladesh, it can be seen that those who come for treatment, most of them come almost at the last stage.

Most of the time they come with a wheel on the breast. Many people present with sores or sores on the nipples, or itchy black areas around the nipples."
"Someone has a milky white discharge from their nipples. Very few present with symptoms such as pain or reddened breasts."

Why is breast cancer?

Professor Nazneen Nahar says that the number of people with breast cancer in Bangladesh is increasing, but also because of some increase in awareness, now people are going to the doctor more than before and that is why we know more than before.

He says that breast cancer can occur due to various reasons.

"There have been a lot of changes in our lifestyle and eating habits, that's one reason. Also, there may be a family history of breast cancer. If someone has menarche before the age of twelve and has late menopause or menopause, they are also at risk. Radiation also increases the risk of breast cancer. "

Professor Nazneen Nahar said, late childbearing, those who have no children, or who do not breastfeed, if their diet is higher in fat and animal meat than vegetables or fruits and eat more processed food, and those who are overweight are also at risk of breast cancer.

Also, those who have been taking birth control pills or taking hormone injections for a long time are also at risk.

Also, the chances of getting breast cancer increases with age. This risk increases especially after the age of 50. Then there is nothing to do.

He says that breast cancer is 100% curable if detected in the early stage.

When to consult a doctor?

Presentational gray line
• Lumps or lumps in the breast

• Any changes in the nipples, such as indentation, unevenness or curvature

• Abnormal nipple discharge

• Change in color or appearance of breast skin

• If a lump or lump is seen in the armpit

However, Professor Nazneen Nahar says, after the age of 30 or 35, all women should check their breasts regularly. There are basically three methods for this.

• A mammogram, or special type of X-ray, that detects abnormal changes in the breast.

• Check for lumps or lumps in a specific manner by a doctor.

• Routine breast self-examination.

Breast cancer treatment in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has four hospitals for specialized cancer treatment.

Breast cancer treatment is going on in many public and private hospitals including Bangladesh Cancer Institute.

However, although some private and some large government hospitals have a cancer unit each, the number of oncologists in Bangladesh is less than 150.

On the other hand, the existing cancer treatment systems in Bangladesh are inadequate and expensive in the long run.

As a result, if someone in the family has cancer, it brings a kind of calamity to that family.

At this time, the emotional support of people around, including family and friends, helps a patient to recover faster, which is less available to women.

Officially, the cost of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment is fifty thousand to one and a half lakh rupees depending on the patient's situation.

The cost is more in private hospitals.

However, Professor Nahar said, the treatment cost depends on the physical condition of the patient. In that case, the cost can be planned if detected in the initial state.

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