Health benefits of Isabgul and proper eating rules

 Health benefits of Isabgul and proper eating rules

Many studies have shown that it helps manage diabetes. Because it can control the glycemic index.
Many people eat the husk of this plant to get rid of the problem of constipation or constipation. Apart from this, the food has various health benefits.

Clinical dietitian and nutritionist Tamanna Chowdhury has shown the quality and eating rules of these vegetables, which are known to many people in Bangladesh, in a video. His oral suggestions are presented to the readers.

What are these?

Isabgul or Ispagula husk is actually known as cilium abroad and this cilium actually comes from a seed and can be found in two forms. One is husk, another is powder. That is, when eating espagula husks or isabguls in husk form, what you normally get from the market, it is actually organic (not processed). Because it is actually just cleaning processed and cleaned and dried it is filled with just jar.

The second is in powder form, which is actually commercially produced. As it is commercially manufactured, naturally some color is added, flavor is added, and some ingredients in diet sweeteners are added.

Health benefits

Tamanna Chowdhury has highlighted several health benefits of these vegetables.

Helps to relieve constipation

The concept that we usually eat these is a soluble fiber (the fiber), which actually acts as a laxative. That is, it helps to fix constipation. Because in whatever form you take this husk or powder, due to its laxative properties, it forms with water to smooth the bowel movement from the intestine, thus preventing constipation and when constipation occurs. If it is prevented, then those who have problems with piles or anal fissure, it is also a lot of prevention. So it is an excellent food ingredient for those who are suffering from constipation only.

Can help relieve constipation

In some studies, it has also been shown to be effective for loose motions. How? I am giving an example. Cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy may have loose motion due to medication or chemo. It has been found that these help to form the water, the motion of the loose water. Since it needs enough water for stool formation, the consistency is much improved. So you can eat these things on the doctor's advice for some diarrhea.

May be useful in treating IBS

But these are also useful in the treatment of IBS. People with IBS appear to be altered. Regular stools are sometimes constipated, sometimes loose. So sometimes doctors suggest psyllium husk or powder or isabgul in their case.

May help control diabetes

Many studies have shown that they help manage diabetes. Because it can control the glycemic index. That is, it can control the sudden increase in sugar, so that we as dietitians often ask diabetic patients how can I eat a little fruit juice sometimes? Then we advised him that if you like any fruit juice, then you must mix a spoonful of isabgul with it. Because it is possible to improve the glycemic index of that fruit juice, but it is definitely not for every time practice.

May help reduce harmful cholesterol in the blood

But these help in reducing bad (harmful) cholesterol in the blood. Since it is a husk, it contains fiber (flakes) and since it keeps the bowel process (faeces out) in order, of course it helps to increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol, which is why it is also recommended for heart disease prevention.

May help with weight control

When it comes to weight reduction, when we dietitians stay on a weight management diet for a period of time, it actually helps. Because weight reduction means calorie control, where you have to reduce a lot of food to a small amount, thereby meeting the fiber needs and regular dieting so that you do not have constipation problems, we suggest these.

Proper eating habits

Whether you consume these as powder or husk, several journals say between five and 10 grams. That is, from one to two teaspoons throughout the day is the recommendation, but it must be on the doctor's advice.

For those taking without a doctor's advice, five grams or a teaspoon is enough and the rule is that you have to mix it very well in 240 ml (milliliters) of water, i.e. a large glass of water. You should eat it as soon as it is mixed (with water). Can't be put together in any way. Because these go with the water but work with the bowels in your intestines. So definitely take it as a stat dose (immediately taken after preparation) and take one spoon of this in 240 ml of water. Those who have the recommendation to eat two spoons, can eat twice a day.

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