What are the benefits of garlic in sex - Does eating garlic thicken semen

 What are the benefits of garlic in sex - Does eating garlic thicken semen

What are the benefits of garlic in sex and what are the harms and also whether eating garlic thickens semen, thousands of young people are searching for the correct information on the Internet. But garlic solves various problems in our body. The importance of garlic in fulfilling the sexual needs of a man or woman is immense.
Also in today's video, what to eat to make semen thicker and stop ejaculation faster and what food to increase sex. So you must watch the video carefully till the end to know the things. the role
Garlic plays an important role in fulfilling the sexual desire of a man. You may know that garlic is called the poor man's penicillin. So understand the properties of garlic but not to finish. In today's post, let's know in detail how effective garlic is in enhancing male sexual potency.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of garlic in sex?
You must be wondering what are the benefits of garlic for sex and how does this work for our health?? There are many cosmetic drugs in the market that we use as sex drugs but they are very harmful to our health. Medicines have many side effects.
Which helps to affect our health in future. So by leaving all these habits, you can solve your own body's sex problems at home. Garlic will work very well in this case. Let's take a look at the benefits of garlic in sex, i.e. know in detail how beneficial garlic is for sex:

Increases sexual desire

There are many of us who have a great desire to know how to increase sex in the body.
Many times it is seen that the marital life between us or between different spouses is often ruined due to low sexual demand in the body.
To get rid of all these problems you can choose garlic at home.
Because various ingredients including antibiotics in garlic help to improve the quality of sperm in your body.

In increasing sperm count

If you regularly eat garlic with food, then the amount of sperm in the blood in your body will increase day by day and help to keep the quality of sperm very good.
Also, various studies have shown that if garlic is consumed regularly, it can increase the function of the testicles in your body.
And due to the presence of garlic in the body, a type of element called selenium is very helpful in the production of sperm in the human body.
So we need to eat garlic regularly but very much.
Benefits of garlic to increase sex drive
Our age is increasing day by day.
And as the age increases, the sexual needs of both you and me, boys and girls, decrease a lot.
Then this garlic helps to increase the sexual needs of both boys and girls.
Because if you don't have good sexual health, you can't be good either mentally or physically. And this is normal.
And because of the large amount of testosterone hormone production in this garlic, it will help to increase your sex drive.
So make it a habit to eat garlic every day.

Presence of antioxidants

This garlic contains a lot of anti-oxidant properties. Which helps a lot in increasing your sexual power.
Various studies have shown that if 50 men suffer from infertility, if those men regularly eat two to three cloves of garlic every day, the amount of sperm in their blood increases day by day.
And this is after the benefits of garlic in sex.

Benefits of Garlic for Premature Ejaculation

If a person eats 2-3 cloves of garlic regularly every day, then his body density increases.
This reduces the chances of premature ejaculation. As a result, you can enjoy your private moments for a long time

Increases testosterone levels

Having testosterone in our body is very important for sex. And this garlic increases the level of testosterone in your body.
Various studies have shown that if you have sex regularly, your testosterone levels will decrease day by day.
And in that case if you can eat garlic regularly then your testosterone will increase only slowly.

In improving mental health

Benefits of Garlic You may know that garlic contains a lot of vitamins.
And garlic increases the immune system of our body.
If you eat garlic regularly every day, your mental stress or insomnia or various types of anxiety will go away.
As a result, your married life will become more beautiful.

In terms of blood flow

Eating raw garlic increases blood flow in our body.
Because garlic contains a substance called allicin, it plays a special role in circulating blood vessels in our body.
As a result, our need for sex increases.
But if you can mix two cloves of garlic with some honey then you will get better results inshallah.
There are also many other benefits of garlic in sex. For example, garlic is used to increase male potency including increasing sexual arousal, garlic is used to prevent premature ejaculation in men, and garlic is used to make the penis stronger and stronger.

Learn more about how garlic thickens semen

But everyone asks this question, does eating garlic thicken sperm!!! Yes!! Must be thick. Because this garlic has been used since ancient times to increase or increase the sexual desire of men. Especially when it comes to blood circulation in a man's penis, this garlic is unmatched in keeping that blood circulation normal.
If there is any kind of problem related to erection in the penis, then if you eat two to three cloves of garlic every day, inshallah you will see everything working like magic. But you have to follow this rule of eating garlic for at least one month.

Then you can eat 3 days or 2 days a week if you want, no problem. So eating garlic helps to increase the amount of sperm in your semen as well as thickens your semen.

What are the sex enhancement foods?

What are the foods that increase sex, that is, what foods should we eat to increase sexual excitement? The number one source of happiness in a married couple's life is sex. And just at that time sexual relaxation occurs between husband and wife. As a result, turmoil and instability descends between the two people.
That's why there are certain foods given by the Creator that keep our body's vitamins and minerals balanced and the endocrine system functioning. So let's know about some food lists that will keep sex life beautiful:
Seeds and dry fruits
You can regularly eat various fruit seeds and dry fruits to increase cholesterol in the body. Like sunflower seeds, peanuts, walnuts and many more.
Because these fruits contain a lot of mono-unsaturated fats. Also, the cholesterol generated in the body by eating the seeds of these fruits helps to maintain the sex hormones in our body.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is considered a famous food for increasing sex drive. Because it contains a lot of phenylethylamine.

Which helps to increase the demand of sex in married life.


The color of strawberry is very effective for keeping our mental state good.
Because strawberries are rich in vitamin B and folate. Which plays a special role in preventing birth defects in our body.
Due to the presence of vitamin C i.e. calcium in this fruit, it plays a special role for sex in our body.
Also, if you eat strawberries every night before going to bed, your body will produce a lot of A.


Spinach plays a very important role for the body.
Because spinach is rich in magnesium. Which helps to increase blood circulation in our body.
And this increase in blood circulation means that spinach plays a special role in increasing sexual excitement in the body.
But you can eat other green vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.
You will add all these foods to your food list.
Because they are also rich in vitamin B and anti-oxidants.


The benefits of garlic cannot be overstated.
Garlic helps to relieve various diseases in our body. For example:
Garlic helps heal boils in your body
If there is burning sensation in the urine, it helps to normalize the urine
The gas produced in your stomach helps to expel gas
If your sexual desire is reduced then garlic plays a special role in increasing the sexual power
Garlic also helps your body do many other things, including making blood and semen.

Oily fish

Oily fish are no match for retaining our youthful sexuality.
Because there is a large amount of omega 3 fatty acid content in this fish, it increases blood circulation in the body.
Which helps to increase sex in our body.

The egg

You should add eggs to your diet to maintain good sexual health.
Because eggs have the role of increasing sexual ability in large quantities.
The vitamin contained in eggs helps balance the hormone levels in our body. Which helps a lot to remove fatigue from our body.


We should eat apples regularly. As apples are rich in antioxidants, they increase blood circulation in the penis.
Apples are also rich in vitamins.

The milk

If the food we consume contains animal-fat, it will improve our sex life.
And milk is one of those foods. If you want to maintain the level of testosterone hormone in your body then consume milk regularly.


Bananas are not only providing calories or nutrients to our body.
It also intensifies our sexual desire.
Bananas are rich in potassium which helps in growth, keeps the body healthy and helps in improving the quality of our semen.


All the nuts we eat are high in fat and cholesterol.
But it is best to eat raw almonds, cashew nuts, tree nuts.
Eating almonds increases the sperm count in the body and makes the semen darker. So we should eat almonds regularly.

Dear readers, in this post, I have tried to explain well the benefits of garlic during sex and whether garlic thickens semen. Apart from my discussion, if you have any other opinion, you can definitely let us know by commenting.

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