Thicken and harden the penis without any medicine.

 Thicken and harden the penis without any medicine.

Some important information

Many men think that a thicker and longer penis will make them happier and more attractive. But, that is completely wrong You will be happy only when you don't have any erectile problems. It is important to have a firmer penis than to have a thicker and longer penis. Never worry about penis size from today. Let's clarify some things about the big penis and small penis in men –
1. A study by Clemson University found that the average male penis size is about 5.1 inches.
2. Another study found that 90% of women don't think much about their partner's penis size. Because sex is completely different. If you have intercourse with a woman for 3-4 hours with a long thick penis, there is no guarantee that she will get pleasure. If you do not believe, ask your sexual partner. Before having sex, you should see if your female partner is ready for sex, otherwise you will not be able to please her even if you have sex all day. We will try to learn about these issues in another article about sex education.

3.85% women are happy with their partner's penis size. So don't worry about the penis becoming fat. You should consume nutritious herbal food to avoid any erectile dysfunction during intercourse.

4. Only 55% of men are satisfied with their penis size. So the remaining 45% are unhappy? Actually they are also happy but fear in their mind that they will not be able to satisfy their partner with small penis. God Almighty has created women in such a way that the groove that is left after an inch and a half inside their vagina is satisfied by the friction of the penis. Those whose penises are slender can mate by changing positions, such as female on top and male on bottom. Remember, penis thickness and length is not important. Try to be happy with what you have from today.
What is gender?
Before knowing how to enlarge penis we need to know what is penis thing. Gender is a means of any animal's identity. But today we will know the gender of human species identification.

Gender is an important distinguishing feature of woman's femininity, and man's masculinity. Although gender identity is based on a variety of body characteristics, everyone has different perspectives on which characteristics are biological sex. For example, depending on male and female gender identity.

Types of linga

Before knowing how to enlarge the penis, we need to know about the types of penis. Below are the types and types of gender.

There are four types of linga fat.

male gender
both genders
Cleavage sex
Can the penis actually be enlarged?
Before knowing how to enlarge the penis, we need to know whether the penis can be enlarged at all. In the minds of many of our brothers. Today I will give the answer to this question. Yes, the penis can be enlarged. We can enlarge the penis in two ways. And there are two ways to enlarge this penis. Namely,

Penis enlargement by operation

Natural penis enlargement
There are many people who have a normal penis size but still want to enlarge their penis. Again, many people do not know how the size of the penis is. Before knowing how to enlarge the penis, we must know who needs to do this. So today we will take a light idea about penis size in this how to enlarge penis article.

penis size

The perfect penis size ranges from 2 inches to 11 inches depending on the location. Because the average penis size of men in Asia is 4 inches to 5.2 inches. Many of them are six to seven inches. Even if the size of the penis is small, it is possible to satisfy the wife. Many of us experts think it's possible to satisfy a wife with a 2 inch long penis. So it can be said that men have different penis sizes in different countries.

What are the types of pennies?
Types of penises

Pencil pennies
no pennies
Banana Pennies
Hemer Pennys
Sausage pennies
Cucumber pennies

Home remedies for penis enlargement
Massage exercises

In this type of exercise, lubricant is applied to the penis and gently massaged. This exercise is intended to stretch the foreskin of your penis, which helps in penis growth. You can do this exercise with pure honey to get better results. But you must remember one thing that while doing this massage exercise you should not masturbate with excitement, it will do more harm than good.

Jelqing exercise

Jelqing is a penis enlargement exercise that increases blood flow to the penis and stretches its tissues. To increase the size of the penis, it is recommended to do this at least once a day.

Below is a step-by-step description of how you can perform this jelqing exercise:

Warm-up: It is important to warm up before starting the exercise. You can soak a towel in warm water, wrap it around your penis and leave it for 5-10 minutes and then start exercising.
Lubrication: You can use some lubricant or olive oil to prevent chafing or injury of palms.
Preparation of the penis: The penis should be excited or erect by 50-70% by gently shaking the penis. But it should by no means be completely erect, as it may cause injury.
Grip: Make an “OK” sign with your thumb and forefinger and place the grip on the base of your penis.
Jelking motion: Bring the grip towards the head of the penis by gently applying pressure from the base of your penis. Do this 20-30 times and then switch your hands. Do this again 20-30 times. One thing to remember is that if you feel too excited, remove your hand. Remember not to masturbate in any order.
Rest: After finishing the exercise you can do this by gently massaging your penis again with a warm towel. By doing this, your penis will gradually return to normal.
It is important to remember that overdoing gelling exercises or not following proper technique can lead to injury. So it is better to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of the exercise.

Stretching exercises

This exercise is like milking a cow. This is one of the best exercises that can help you get quick results. This exercise can make your penis bigger and thicker. This is a type of jelqing exercise, but only your thumb (big toe) and index finger are used.

Below is a step-by-step description of how you should perform this stretching exercise:

Warm-up: It is important to warm up before starting the exercise. You can soak a towel in warm water, wrap it around your penis and leave it for 5-10 minutes and then start exercising.
Lubrication: You can use some lubricant or olive oil to prevent chafing or injury of palms.
Stretching motion: Using thumb and forefinger, gently pull your penis away from your body and hold for 15-30 seconds. Repeat this motion in different directions (up, down, left and right) for a total of 5-10 repetitions. Do this exercise for at least 20 minutes every day. One thing to remember is that if you feel too excited, remove your hand. Remember not to masturbate in any order.
Rest: After finishing the exercise you can do this by gently massaging your penis again with a warm towel. By doing this, your penis will gradually return to normal.
Medical method of penis enlargement

Penis enlargement surgery

A penis enlargement surgery consists of two ways namely:

1. Borrowing fat cells from other parts of the body to increase the length and width of the penis. This procedure involves taking fat from your body and injecting it into your penis, thereby slightly increasing the width of your penis. But this method is not highly recommended, because the efficiency of this method is not very high.

2. Penis enlargement by cutting ligaments: In penis enlargement surgery, a surgeon cuts the ligament that connects the penis to the pubic bone, increasing the length of the penis. But interestingly this method is also not considered effective by many doctors.

Also, you can enlarge your penis if you want by means of penile injection and penile implant.

But one thing that goes without saying is that there is a lot of variation in how effective these medical methods actually are. So in my opinion you should try home remedies for penis enlargement before trying medical methods. After that, if the expected result does not come, then take the next decision after consulting an experienced doctor.

Questions and answers

1. When does the male penis stop growing?

Penis growth stops when a man reaches the end of puberty, which is usually around the age of 18 or 19. However, there may be some changes in this age range. It is also important to remember that penis size can be affected by many factors, such as genetics, hormones and overall health.

2. Which foods are good for the penis?

There are several foods that come in the benefits of the penis. For example, oysters are a great source of zinc, which is essential for testosterone and sperm production. Bananas are a good food for penile health because they contain potassium, which helps regulate blood flow and can improve sexual performance. Pomegranates contain antioxidants that can improve blood flow and increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Other foods beneficial for penile health include dark chocolate, avocados, nuts and seeds, which contain essential vitamins and minerals that can improve circulation and overall health.

3. Is penis enlargement surgery safe?

A penis enlargement surgery can increase the penis by half an inch but does not change the actual length of the penis. Surgery can cause complications such as infection, scarring, and loss of sensation or function.

last word

The penis is a very important part of a man's body. So you should take full care of it. Regular cleaning. Through the above discussion, I have tried to present to you both domestic and medical aspects of penis enlargement and thickening. Hope you can grow and fatten your penis in this way.

But remember one thing, naturally the male penis in our region is a bit smaller. So it is not at all reasonable to expect sex like men in European and African countries. By doing this you can suffer from various human problems. So try to follow regular health rules, refrain from taking any intoxicants (cigarettes, alcohol), eat more vegetables and fruits, and be satisfied with your physical condition.

Remember, your penis is not the only thing through which you want to make your wife or partner happy. To give complete satisfaction to your wife, you need to focus on many other things, which I will discuss on another day.

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