Apang tree is unsurpassed in sexual enhancement. Eat Apang tree prey daily to make a storm in bed.

 Apang tree is unsurpassed in sexual enhancement. Eat Apang tree prey daily to make a storm in bed.


Apang is an annual plant. It is known by several names including apang, chirchire, sisa gandha, rakta apang, uputlenga. It is usually 2 colors white and red.

Apang plant grows all over the country. Herb plant. This plant grows up to 1 meter high. Branches are spreading all around. Roots are herbaceous. Large curved spiked flowers bloom at the tip of the stem. Leaves, seeds and stems have herbal properties.
Features of “Apang”:
1. Branches spread all around.
2. The root contains herbal properties.
3. At the tip of the stem, large curved flowers bloom.
4. Flowers are small.
5. Apang is a small herbaceous plant.
"Apang" is used in the treatment of:

1. Hemorrhoid disease:

Take 3 grams of Apang seeds and grind it well with Atap rice washed water and eat it once in the morning regularly for 3-4 days to stop hemorrhoids pain and bleeding.

2. Premature delivery:

If there is a possibility of premature delivery, if the flowers of Apang tree, i.e. saplings that have not flowered, are picked from the root and tied to the waist of the pregnant woman, by the grace of Allah, there is no fear of premature delivery.

3. To remove the pus of the boil:

8-10 fresh leaf juice of Apang tree and 4 grams of Atap rice mixed with cold water and applied around the boil will bring out pus and contaminated blood. However, it needs to be applied 2-3 times a day.

4. Ringworm disease:

The dry stalk of Apang tree should be burnt in fire to prepare alkali. 8 grams of that alkali and olive sesame oil should be rubbed on the ringworm. Insha Allah you will get benefit in 4-5 days.

5. Cuts and bleeding:

In case of injury or cut by a sharp weapon and bleeding, fresh juice of Apang will stop the bleeding immediately. However, the amount of juice should be a little more.

6. To prevent hair loss:

Take a quantity of fresh roots of Apang and use it all over your head 2-3 hours before taking a bath in the afternoon. If you use it regularly for a few days, the color of the hair will be black on one side, and new hair will grow. In addition to these, Apang works in digestive diseases, cholera diseases, poisonous wounds, bacterial diseases

7. Urinary problems

A decoction of Apang in doses of 30 to 58 grams three times a day relieves urinary problems and produces copious amounts of urine. It is widely used in edema as it increases urination. A decoction obtained by boiling 58 grams of Apang Churn in 116 grams of water for 15 minutes and taking it in doses of 30 grams to 58 grams three times a day will cause profuse urination and reduce edema.

8. Obstetric problems

It acts as a mild laxative. Consumed in large doses, labor pains are accelerated, so it is often used to induce abortion. Apang ash contains a lot of potash so its ash is used as an antacid.

9. Chest pain

People who start palpitation due to minor reasons should drink one teaspoon of fresh juice of Apang with cold water every morning regularly for a few days. Then the heart will be strong.

10. You are in trouble

Those who are not hungry and do not get digested after eating forcefully, they will make small pills by twisting 8 parts of Apang roots and 1 part of pepper and dry the pills in the shade and take one pill with water every morning and afternoon. This will create normal appetite.

11. Apang in poison and crazy treatment

Consuming a decoction of Apang relieves insomnia. 23 grams of Apang root and 82 grams of white marigold root bark should be crushed together. 58 grams of decoction should be prepared by mixing one and a half liters of water and two and a half pints of cow's milk. If this decoction is given to a demented patient every morning, insanity is cured. Crushed fresh leaves of Apang and applied to the bite of poisonous insects destroys the poison. Apang flowers crushed with little sugar destroys the poison of mad dog.

12. Apang in various diseases

Eye problems – The root bark is used for opacity of the eyeball and eye inflammation.
To Stop Bleeding – Apang root extract stops bleeding. Applying the juice of Apang leaves to the cuts immediately stops the bleeding.

13. For boils - Apang

If the leaves are twisted with rice and wrapped around the boil except for the face, the boil will burst easily.

14. In colic pain, you are in colic pain.

Its ash is mixed with honey and consumed. Cough and Asthma- It also works well in cough and asthma.

15. If you have a fever

After a day, if you have a fever, squeeze the root of the Apang tree and drink the juice twice a day to cure the fever.

16. If the hands and feet are cut, the juice of young leaves stops the bleeding.

17. Bleeding

Applying the juice of Apang leaves to the area affected by external bleeding stops the bleeding.

18. Edema

Mix five to seven grams of black cloud with equal amount of black cloud and burn it in two cups of water and strain it into one cup. Consuming it two to three times a day is beneficial.

19. Fast Ejaculation Problem Solution.

Premature Ejaculation, Premature Ejaculation, Ways to Avoid Ejaculation, Thinner Semen, Watery Semen, Ways to Thicken Semen, Ways to Retain Semen, Ways to Avoid Ejaculation, Sperm Stimulation, Sperm Stimulation, Sperm Stimulation, Sperm Stimulation .
Apang usually has 2 colors called white and red or blood Apang. Rakta Apang, its roots should be collected on the same day and should be kept on the waist on the next day. You can use any yarn or anything. Then slowly you will start getting benefits by stopping rapid ejaculation.

20. Scalp and itching

Boil five grams of apangacha in two cups of water and strain into one cup and drink panituku two to three times a day. If you drink it regularly for 10 to 15 days, you will get benefits.

21. urinary tract infection

Mix two to three teaspoons of leaf juice in a glass of boiled water and drink it two to three times a day to get benefits. It should be consumed regularly for seven to 10 days.

22. Chest palpitations

Heart rate increases due to various reasons. After straining the juice of Apangacha root and keeping it in the fridge, if you drink one teaspoon every morning without eating anything, it will reduce. But it should be consumed for 10 to 15 days.

23. Toothache

It is useful for toothache. The dried powder of the plant is used in the treatment of leprosy. Apangacha leaves cure gonorrhea and dyspnea. Leaf juice is used as an antidote to insect bites, respiratory problems, ear and eye problems. Seed powder mixed with butter and milk does not cause gallstones.

24 Edema / swollen hands and feet

Take 7 grams of Apanggach half cut and mix it with equal amount of Kalmegh and boil it in two cups of water to make one cup. After straining and drinking that water, you will get benefit from edema (swelling of hands and feet). If you drink it twice or thrice a day regularly for a week, it will get better.

25. In scabs and itching

For scabies and itching, the whole plant should be cut in half and 7 grams should be mixed with equal amount of chirta and neem bark and boiled in two cups of water to make one cup. Then strain the water and consume the extract. Drink 2 times a day regularly for 20 to 25 days.

26. urinary infection

Grind the whole part of Apanggacha and mix 5 to 7 grams with a glass of tap water and drink it two to three times a day to cure urinary infection. In this case, it should be consumed regularly for 7 to 10 days.

27. Cures stomach disturbances, cures skin diseases, rheumatism, syphilis and pulmonary diseases.

28. Decoction is used in diarrhea, dysentery, atharja, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, inflammation of internal organs, skin diseases etc.

Earlier, this tree was seen on the side of the road, in the abandoned land, but it is no longer seen. This very valuable medicinal plant is almost on the verge of extinction. Apang tree is very beneficial for us. It has many medicinal properties. We should make proper use of it.

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