Women's Sexuality: Is Sex Arousal Just for Men, Why Are Women Discouraged?

 Women's Sexuality: Is Sex Arousal Just for Men, Why Are Women Discouraged?

Female sexuality is discouraged.

Women's sexuality, her desire, is a taboo subject in many countries of the world, including Bangladesh. It is very difficult to talk about this. Women are socially taught not to have sexual desire.

The female body, sex, is not for its own sake, but for male enjoyment, part of the procreation process. Women themselves once started to think like this.

Not to mention that

How many women can speak openly about sex, lust?

When I tried to speak to find out, I had to hear no from the beginning.

Many refused to talk about the matter directly, some were shocked to hear the content, while others turned their faces away in shame.

"I enjoy sex", I enjoy sex very much," finally found one who said so directly, but on condition of anonymity.

"I mischievously said the line a couple of times. At first everyone thought I was joking. Then when they realized I wasn't serious, I heard they labeled me as a bad character. When they met me later, they frowned at me, He said.
Talking about women's sexuality is very difficult.

This woman works in a development organization. Age 45 years. He has shown himself to be very active in sexual life.

Describing what she learned about sex from a young age, she said, "When I was a teenager, I got a little idea from a school home economics book. Then I got a little more detailed idea about it when I borrowed romance novels from my girlfriends.

But at that time I or my girlfriends used to talk about love but there was no talk about sex. And then I did not understand this feeling of the body. Back then I thought it was a sin to talk about it, you were impure, that's how the family taught me."

Questions about the character of women interested in sex

Women's sexuality, her desire, is a taboo subject in many countries of the world, including Bangladesh.

In many cultures around the world, for the most part, women do not participate in sex alongside men but are themselves the objects of sex.

Zobayda Nasreen, an anthropology teacher at Dhaka University, has done two studies titled 'Unpacking Sexuality' or 'Unwrapping Sexuality' and 'History of Sexuality'.

He says that he has seen in his research what society thinks about women's sexuality.

At what age should first intercourse be?

A 20th century princess who pioneered the study of female sexuality

Consent is required for sexual intercourse even if a married woman, ruled by the High Court of India
If she is interested in sex, she is a bad woman in the eyes of society.

He says, "We have a taboo about women's sexuality here - women are passive in terms of sex, women's bodies are a matter of protection. Our research experience shows that if women in our country know about sex, they have fantasies about it, even if they talk about it with their partners. By doing so, it is suspected that he must have had sexual experience.

His sex-focused interests are not viewed well by society. A woman who expresses her sexuality is a bad woman in society's eyes," he said.

The experience is different when talking to men about the same thing:

Some people said in a threatening tone - it can't be a matter to talk about. Someone burst out laughing, even a sexually suggestive sneer came out of a couple's mouths.

Zahirul Islam works in a bank in Patuakhali. The concept of female sexuality seemed vague to him.

He says he will avoid women who express sexual desire.

"I don't see them well. Because our society takes them negatively. I will avoid them. I will keep a distance from them. I think I have some dignity. I don't."

He dodged questions about how he viewed his wife's sexuality.
Women's sexual desire is a neglected topic.

Is female sexuality suppressed?

Zobayda Nasreen says her research shows that from childhood, women learn to fear sex, not enjoy it.

From the family, women learn not to openly talk about their sexual desires. The reason is that this feeling is not for him.

In the words of Zobayda Nasreen: Suppression of women's sexuality in society is a process of trying to control her.

"The man will use sex as he likes, enjoy all kinds of sex-centered freedoms, express all kinds of intentions, including control over the woman's body. Women's notions of physical sexual pleasure and pain will all depend on the man.

"Woman's body-centered pleasure, the decision to have sex is decided by the man, for the interest of the man, for the pleasure of the man. In this way, the control of the woman's body goes into the hands of the man. On the one hand, the woman cannot express her feelings, on the other hand, the excessive sexual expression and He has to be the sacrifice of supremacy."
Women's preferences regarding sexual needs are not taken into account.

A woman's sexuality is not for herself

In most societies, women's sexuality is not for her own sake, but for the enjoyment of men.

When reading about the history of sexuality, its references in various literary works, the emergence of sex village and pornography - women's sexual desire is neglected in these areas, sexual pleasure seems to be only for men.

Even within a marital relationship, there is a tendency to ignore women's consent to sexual intercourse.

Marital rape is considered a serious form of domestic violence by the United Nations.

Again, women's preferences regarding sexual needs are not taken into consideration. One, who did not wish to be named, spoke about the regular experience of 18 years of marriage.

"Often I don't reach climax. But my husband has finished. He doesn't either. Gets up or goes to sleep. I can't even say anything about it, no matter how awkward it is, it's a shame. What will he think? , what to say - I'm afraid he doesn't want me. He doesn't even try to do what I want.
There is a tendency to ignore women's consent to sexual intercourse in marital relationships.

The idea of women's sexuality in the society is very clear from the hesitation of talking about such matters.

Psychiatrist Mekhla Sarkar says that at some point, women also lose their fantasy or interest in sex. After becoming a mother, especially after the child grows up.

Dr. Mekhla Sarkar says that women go to the doctor in the interest of men, not in their own interest.

He was talking about women's anxiety about sex, "many women have an anxiety about it so they can't enjoy it. Then because there is less knowledge about the subject, less education, so a kind of fear works in many of them.

"With women, if there is no involvement, not just physical, but also emotional, or if he feels that I am not a priority, but is only important to him at that time, then he will not enjoy that either."
The young generation has started to change.

Concepts of women's bodies and impurity

In the society of Bangladesh, women and girls are subjected to sexual harassment and torture at some point in their lives. That is often the reason for discouraging women's sexuality, said Dr. Government of Mekhla.

And because of this, sex is largely a matter of fear for women. However, he believes that the culture of portraying women's bodies as impure is a way of discouraging women from having sex.

"I would say if he has low self-confidence, he doesn't appreciate his body, if he thinks the body is very bad, dirty, that creates negative attitudes. For example, if you know from the beginning that a food is bad, then the food is yours. And don't like it. That could be a factor as well."

But there is also a different opinion from the younger generation, who want to know about his feelings, wants towards his partner. Because there is a growing perception that sexuality is not its own thing.

However, women who can say 'I enjoy sex' still seem to frown upon women.

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