What to eat and what not to eat during intense heat?

 What to eat and what not to eat during intense heat?

In various areas of Bangladesh, people's life is about to be disrupted due to severe fire. Especially in some districts of the southwestern part of the country, the temperature has exceeded 42 degrees. The Meteorological Department said that Jessore recorded the highest temperature in the country on Saturday. The maximum temperature there was 42.6 degrees. Besides, Chuadanga district recorded a temperature of 42.3 degrees. On the other hand, the temperature in the capital Dhaka exceeded 40 degrees.

This year's situation is not much different from last year. There are still 10 days left for the end of April, known as the hottest month. But in the meantime, people have become lazy in the intense heat.

The Meteorological Office has also issued a heat alert or weather warning in various districts and regions of the country as the temperature may rise for the next three days.

Also, there are almost daily reports in the media that the incidence of diarrhea is increasing across the country. But why does diarrhea actually happen at this time of the year? But the main cause of diarrhea is a disordered diet.

Therefore, in such a situation, to avoid diseases like diarrhea and to keep ourselves healthy, the doctors say that it is necessary to take precautions in food.

Foods like fuchka or hot should be avoided during hot season.

Which should be eaten less

There are certain foods, which can increase body temperature and feel hot. Samia Tasneem, a nutritionist at LabAid Hospital, explains some such foods.

  • Spicy food: Most of the people of Bangladesh like to eat spicy food but should avoid eating 'roasted fish or meat' during hot season. Because this type of food takes more time to digest. If the metabolic process in the body continues for a long time, it starts to feel hot.
  • Eggs: Eggs are one of the ways to meet the protein needs of the body. But many people may have problems eating eggs during summer. In that case, those who have high cholesterol or high blood pressure can avoid eggs if they want. Instead of eggs, they can regularly have fish or chicken in their diet to meet their protein needs.
  • Ice cream and soft drinks: Many people think that ice cream and cold bottled soft drinks will reduce the heat. But eating them has the possibility of dehydration in the body. That is why people feel thirsty after eating ice cream or soft drink.
  • Fast Food: Despite many discussions and criticisms about fast food over the years, people continue to eat burgers, french fries, fried chicken, pizza etc. But they should not be eaten in normal times, even during summer. Because these foods contain a lot of sugar and fat, it takes time to digest. As a result, they affect blood pressure, increasing inflammation.
  • Deep-fried food: Deep-fried food and extra-oily fried food are tasty but not good for the body. Such food should be avoided in summer. Fried food causes water deficiency in the body.
  • Tea-Coffee: Many people drink tea-coffee to keep the body warm in winter. So the tea and coffee which helps to keep the body warm in winter, will certainly play the same role in summer. Therefore, excessive tea and coffee should not be drunk during summer. Because the caffeine in tea or coffee dehydrates the body and raises the body temperature.
  • Dairy Foods: Be careful about consuming milky foods like mayonnaise or various shakes during summer. Because during hot weather, the bacteria in such food grows faster.
  • Steak: Many people like to eat steak at restaurants. But if the steak is not fully cooked, bacteria can remain in it. So, one needs to be careful in this regard.
  • Fatty foods: Who doesn't like beef, duck, beef? But they should be avoided during summer. Because it contains a lot of fat. Also, to stay healthy you should say no to oily food like polao, biryani, tehari etc.
  • Excess sugar and salt: Sugar and salt, these two things are already harmful to the body. But during the summer, the extent of the damage becomes more. Eating excess sugar and salt during this time can cause discomfort in the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat packet food or processed food in summer.
    Watermelon can be eaten as a fruit in summer. Watermelon contains 60 to 70 percent water.

Which can be eaten in summer

Miz Tasnim also talked about foods that can be eaten in summer. He said
  • Less Spicy Food: While it is good to eat spicy food, less spicy food should be emphasized during hot season. Because they are easily digestible.
  • Vegetables: Shrimp, gourd, gourd, chichinga, sajnedanta, vegetable stalks etc. are now available in the market. If they are cooked and eaten in thin broth, then they will provide the nutritional needs on the one hand, but on the other hand, they will not make the body feel hot.
  • Diluted Soup: Soup is jokingly called patient food. But eating 'clear vegetable' soup during summer is beneficial for the body.
  • Safe Water: There is no alternative to drinking safe water in summer. Because sodium and potassium are excreted from the body with sweat and urine during summer. A healthy person should drink three to three and a half liters or 12 to 13 glasses of water per day.
  • Bottled water: Bottled water plays a very important role in replenishing the body's water deficit and maintaining electrolyte balance. But for most people it is almost impossible to buy and eat dub every day. In that case they can drink saline water as an alternative.
Do not drink too much tea and coffee during summer. Because the caffeine in tea or coffee dehydrates the body and raises the body temperature.

  • Lemon water: Drinking lemon juice during hot season will relieve body fatigue. In that case, lemon juice can be mixed with plain water and drunk. But those who do not have hypertension or high blood pressure, can also use a little salt for taste.
  • Fruits: Fruits should be eaten to meet the body's water needs in summer. Strawberries, cucumber, jam etc. can be eaten. But the market of Bangladesh is full of watermelon at this time. Hence, watermelon can be eaten as a summer fruit. Because watermelon contains 60 to 70 percent water.
  • Raw Mango Syrup: Raw mango contains Vitamin-C. If the raw mango is consumed as a sherbet without adding chillies, the heat can be reduced.
  • Sour Yogurt: Sour yogurt can be consumed daily to keep the stomach healthy. Sour curd can be eaten alone, and sour curd can be mixed with water. Or, cucumber can be eaten with sour curd.
  • Detox Water: Detox food can be consumed after heavy meals during summer. Detox water is a drink made with water, lemon juice, cucumber, carrot, mint etc. juice.
But in this case Miz Tasnim also said, "The food that is good for one person may not be for everyone. For example, many people have problems eating cucumber.”

Food should be stored properly in the refrigerator during hot weather.

Precautions in food storage

“During the summer there is such a high temperature around, that food can easily harbor bacteria. However, bacteria does not grow when the food is at a certain temperature. Bacteria develop when the temperature crosses the limit,” said Miz Tasnim.

He also said, “It was seen that I cooked a meal in the morning. But after a few hours the temperature rises. Then the bacteria. It looks fresh, but inside is bacteria.”

He noted that bacteria do not grow in food if the temperature is below five degrees Celsius and above 60 degrees Celsius.

In this regard, his advice is that food should be properly stored in the refrigerator during summer and stale food should not be eaten at all. He even discourages reheating food.

Besides, always keeping food in the fridge doesn't mean it's 'safe'. Loadshedding is frequent at this time of the year, so even refrigerated food can grow bacteria.

He said, “The temperature of the fridge should be kept right and food should not be left outside. However

Keeping food in the fridge for a long time can reduce its nutritional value again. So, we can keep food in the fridge for two days and eat it. Then cook again.

However, food taken out of the fridge cannot be eaten immediately. After taking out the food, it should be heated by keeping it at normal temperature for a while. Even after reheating the food, do not eat it immediately and keep it at normal temperature and wait for a while.
One of the most important means of transmission of diarrheal germs is water.

What to do to avoid diarrhoea

Diarrhea outbreak occurs every year in summer in Bangladesh. It has started this year too.

But Miz Tasnim advises to eat healthy foods and eat “a little at a time without eating too much” to avoid diarrhea during the summer.

He said, “The bacteria in milk and rice can cause severe diarrhoea. So they should be taken out of the fridge and heated to normal temperature. After eating again in the fridge."

Besides, flies play a major role in spreading diarrheal infections. That's why all food should always be covered. He also forbids eating street food, such as fuchka, chatapti, lemon sorbet.

“We say don't eat outside food like fuchka, chatpaty. Because they cannot control the temperature when selling them. Therefore, bacteria grow easily in these foods.”

Apart from this, other important actions to prevent diarrhea are - washing hands before preparing, touching, serving and eating food, after leaving the toilet, and after returning from outside. Because hands touch everything and carry the most germs.

One of the most important means of transmission of diarrheal germs is water. So, whatever water you drink, it should be pure water.

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