Twenty-one trees, vines, shrubs, leaves, flowers and fruits are known to have healing powers

 Twenty-one trees, vines, shrubs, leaves, flowers and fruits are known to have healing powers.

Researchers say that Lajyavati plant has many medicinal properties

Since ancient times, many plants, plants or herbs around us have been used by people for various medicinal purposes. These plants are widely used especially in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine.

Researchers in Bangladesh say that many plants around us have medicinal properties. People in rural areas have been using them for generations, but now in their research, they have seen their various qualities.

Professor of Plant Science Department of Dhaka University. Mohammad Jasim Uddin tells BBC Bangla, "There are over 50,000 trees and plants in the world, which people use as medicine for various purposes. About 1500 such species are available in Bangladesh. Among them, we have found evidence of medicinal properties of at least 800 species of trees and plants.

Many of its plants grow around our homes, carelessly, neglected. Again, many trees and plants are now lost due to lack of conservation.
Dr. is researching medicinal plants. Tahmina Haque

For a long time, the people of Ganj have been using these plants as medicine, a study was done by Dr. Tahmina Haque There he did research on 467 people.

He says, "While working at Brahmanbaria field level, I have seen that the people there use at least 247 plants for various medicinal purposes. They use these plants regularly especially for physical problems like 73. In all, we found that these plants are used for 485 types of work.

He says that many of its plants have been proven in research. Again, although studies have yet to prove it, many herbal or herbal users say they have benefited from using them.

Dr. Here are some of the medicinal plants, plants or herbs that Haque saw in Grameganj:
The leaves and flowers of jaba plant are mixed with hot rice and eaten for upset stomach.

1. menda
This tree is also known as Chapaitta, Karjuki, Ratan, Kharajura depending on the region of Bangladesh. In rural areas, the leaves are crushed and mixed with water and consumed two times a day in case of stomach ache, blood indigestion. Dr. According to Tahmina Haque, studies have shown that it has an effective role against bacteria.

Both the bark and leaves of this plant are used. Once upon a time, a mixture of bark was used for local plastering of broken bones. Sometimes massage is done for chest pain.

2. Bandhane
Effective in the treatment of abdominal pain and diarrhea. A mixture of leaves is applied to sores.
Bhat Flower or Banjui: Works as an anthelmintic and diarrhoea. The leaf juice is mixed with raw turmeric and fed.

3. Bhat flower or jasmine
Acts as anthelmintic and diarrhoea. The leaf juice is mixed with raw turmeric and fed. People with skin diseases have benefited by massaging the juice of this flower.

4. neem
Many diabetic patients dry neem leaves and make small tablets and eat them in the morning and afternoon. Apart from this, neem leaves mixed with hot water have been used for problems like chicken pox, skin allergies for a long time. In case of insect bite wound, neem and turmeric juice mixed together is applied there. Neem dal juice is used for toothache.

5. Basil
It is a familiar name to many people in Bangladesh. Especially seen in many houses in the village. The leaves of this plant are eaten for colds. Many people drink it with tea. It is said that tulsi leaves fried with ghee and eaten regularly works to increase brain power.

6. eternity
It is also known as Kalmegha in many places. Diabetics eat. The leaves are powdered and mixed with water and eaten every morning on an empty stomach. In case of upset stomach, diarrhoea, fever and rheumatism, soak in water overnight and eat.
Bilimbi has both good and bad qualities

7. stone chipper
There is a popular belief in the village that Patharkuchi helps break up kidney stones, although there is no scientific basis for this. However, users have told researchers that they have benefited from consuming stonewort leaves for problems like fever and flatulence. It is also used topically for skin allergies. The juice of Patharkuchi leaves is used in cold problems.

8. title
Digestive booster and diabetic control.

9. Blond or black-haired
This herb has been used in hair care for ages in the Indian subcontinent. It is believed to help stop hair loss. Dr. Tahmina Haque says, during the research, many people said that many people consume leaf juice for menstrual problems in girls. It is scientifically proven to be anti-fungal or antifungal.
For colds, the juice or water is given by boiling the juice of Basak leaves for various lung problems.

10. resident
For colds, the juice or water is given by boiling the juice of Basak leaves for various lung problems. Basak juice has been shown in scientific experiments to activate the salivary glands in respiratory problems. However, excessive consumption may cause nausea.

11. Arjuna
Root, bark, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers of this plant are used as medicine. Arjuna bark is powdered and eaten for heart disease, chest pain. Arjuna powder mixed with Basak leaves is believed to increase sexual potency. Arjuna bark mixed with garlic is beneficial for sprains or sprains.

12. Refuge creeper
It is known by different names in different regions. This creeper is found almost everywhere in Bangladesh. Helps stop bleeding when cut.

13. Jawa
The leaves and flowers of jaba plant are mixed with hot rice and eaten for upset stomach. Leaf juice is consumed for jaundice. Flower juice is consumed by women for menstrual and menstrual problems.

14. Shy
Many people call it Shy Lata or Anjalikarika. The roots of this plant are pounded and eaten for diarrhoea. Leaves are used to treat ulcers. The leaves and flowers of the plant are crushed and used on body wounds. Rheumatic fever or bone pain can also be benefited by consuming this plant. In addition, many people use a mixture of Lajjabati plants for dysentery, hand-feet rash.
Durba grass is not felna at all, even if it is born carelessly on the path

15. Durba grass
Although this grass grows freely in the fields, ghats, roads, many people do not know about its medicinal properties. The juice of this grass is very useful in bleeding, traumatic cuts, skin diseases. Applying the juice of this leaf to any cut will stop the bleeding immediately. Studies have shown that it contains many antioxidants.

16. Dhutura
It is now on the verge of extinction. It was used by many for asthma. The leaves were dried and powdered to make a wash.
Thankuni leaves are effective for any common stomach medicine.

17. Thankuni 
It is probably one of the most common medicinal plants in Bangladesh. Thankuni leaves are effective for any stomach medicine that is very common. It is eaten by pounding the leaves into juice or bharta. This leaf improves digestion, improves performance, reduces hair loss, helps heal wounds and improves skin radiance.

18. gold vine
Studies have shown that this vine works to cure jaundice, reduce abdominal pain, and soothe wounds. The water is boiled and consumed. The juice of this vine helps to suppress gallstones and worms. It is also helpful in fighting bacteria. However, the juice of these leaves is also believed to sometimes cause miscarriage, or reduce fertility.
Golden creeper seems like a weed to many, but it also has special properties

19. Shatamuli 
Shatamuli is a natural source of high quality folic acid and potassium. It contains fiber, vitamin A and vitamin B. It acts as a fertility cure and tonic. It also helps control high blood pressure.

20. delay
Although a fruit of the Kamranga family, it is a different type of fruit. This fruit is proven in diabetic control. Studies have shown that it contains antioxidants. Many Ayurvedic doctors recommend consuming the fruits and leaves of this plant to treat itching, mumps, skin eruptions, venereal diseases. But for those who have kidney disease, this fruit or leaf is harmful.
Sajna leaves and fruits are used in various medicines for high blood pressure and liver.

21. dress up
Sajna leaves and fruits are used in various medicines for high blood pressure and liver. Sajna is believed to help control diabetes. Sajna leaves mixed with raw garlic relieves the pain of rheumatism. In addition, research has shown that the leaves and fruits of this tree are very nutritious. It has long been believed in the Indian subcontinent to improve appetite and boost immunity.

Besides, fruits like amlaki, haritaki, bahera have been used as medicine for a long time.

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