What are the causes of decreased sexual ability in men?

 What are the causes of decreased sexual ability in men?
Many people have symptoms like decreased sexual desire or lack of motivation, but in most cases, many people do not know what the cause is.
Various health organizations and doctors say that one of the reasons behind such symptoms is the decrease in the level of testosterone, a type of sex-determining hormone. This is called testosterone deficiency. 
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Associate Professor of Endocrinology Dr. Shahzada Salim said, while being in the mother's womb, whether a child will be male or female, organs are formed under the influence of this hormone. 
“Although this hormone does not increase significantly until puberty, levels are higher in boys. After puberty, the level of this hormone suddenly increases and he is ready to become a full-fledged male. From the formation of his beard and mustache to the maturity of his genitals, the full size of his genitals, sweating, psychologically masculine behavior - the total is controlled by this hormone."

Mr. Salim said, reproductive and sexual ability is completely dependent on this hormone.

“We simply say, a man stands on testosterone levels. Deficiency or excess in this level can cause problems. But chances of more are very low. Some have normal, some have less, this is more likely.”

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a type of hormone that develops masculine characteristics in men. For this reason it is also called androgen or sex hormone or gender determining hormone. This hormone is produced in the testicles. Kevin M. Pantalone, an endocrinologist at the Twinsburg Family Health and Surgery Center in the United States, said that everyone has the hormone testosterone, regardless of whether they are men or women.

However, the amount of this hormone is significantly higher in men. Due to which male reproductive function develops and genitals are formed. According to a report by Harvard Health Publishing under 
Harvard Medical School, testosterone affects bone and muscle structure. In boys, bone and muscle density increases, red blood cell production increases, voice changes to become heavier, facial beard, hair growth on other parts of the body, genital growth. At the same time sexual function and dative capacity are awakened.
In many teenagers, testosterone levels peak around age 17 and remain high for the next two or three decades. An average healthy man produces about six milligrams of testosterone a day.

What is testosterone deficiency?

Endocrinologist Kevin M. Pantalone says testosterone deficiency is also called male hypogonadism or Low-T. It is a condition when the testicles cannot produce enough testosterone.
He said, it is normal for this hormone to decrease with age. After the age of thirty, it usually decreases at a rate of one percent per year. But when this rate of decline is influenced by factors other than age, it is considered a deficiency.

Mr. According to Pantalone, if an adult male has less than 250 nanograms of testosterone per deciliter, he is said to be deficient in this hormone.
According to a report by Harvard Health Publishing under Harvard Medical School, normal men are known to have varying levels of testosterone. Testosterone can range from 270 to 1070 nanograms per deciliter.

Testosterone levels rise every 24 hours. The production of this hormone is highest at eight o'clock in the morning. And the lowest is at 9 pm.

According to the American Urological Association, at least 300 nanograms per deciliter is normal for normal men. If someone has testosterone less than this, he should be treated.

What are the symptoms?

Dr. Shahzada Salim says that the first sign of low testosterone is a decrease in libido levels and because of this, sex drive. This can be understood by the person himself or his partner.

Male muscle strength will decrease. As a result, it will not be able to work as before.

Loss of appetite after eating.
Many people may have sagging skin. But it occurs when testosterone deficiency is severe. Because muscle mass depends on testosterone activity. It will suffer if reduced.

One of the causes of male sexual dysfunction is testosterone deficiency.

“He may have the desire at times, but because of the testosterone deficiency, performance is greatly reduced, so he turns to some perverted activity.
Talking about this, it can be said that the harassment that is happening on the streets, in buses, trains, anything can happen.”

He said, in cases where hormone deficiency occurs very quickly, they understand and take treatment. But in those who are slow, he is attracted to perverted sexual behavior to adapt to it.

Deficiency of this hormone can also cause infertility.

Mr. Salim said, “Those who come to Bangladesh for treatment come because of specific diseases. One of these is that some are failing to have children, some have realized their sexual ability themselves or their partners have realized that it is not normal, some are young and struggling to think of themselves as such because of their physical shape and capabilities, they come to us for weakness. "

According to the Cleveland Clinic, a nonprofit academic medical center in the United States, symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Inability to have sex
  • Shrinking of the testicles
  • Decreased sperm production
  • Infertility
Also sleep problems, attention problems, lack of motivation to work, loss of muscle mass and strength, loss of bone density, male breast formation, depression, fatigue and lethargy.

What causes testosterone deficiency?

Endocrinologist Dr. Shahzada Salim said that in 85-90 percent cases, any kind of damage to the testicles leads to testosterone deficiency. The most common cause in Bangladesh is mumps orchitis if someone had mumps during or around puberty. It affects the testicles as well as the throat. 

This damages it and leads to testosterone deficiency. Because testosterone is produced from here.

But in most cases in Bangladesh patients do not notice it. 

Prolonged exposure to excess heat can decrease testosterone production. Because in order to maintain the function of this hormone, the body temperature has to be kept one to one and a half degrees lower than normal.

As a result, living in excessively hot places, working, sitting on the bus engine can increase the body temperature which damages this hormone.

Testosterone can alleviate hormone deficiency caused by certain harmful elements in the environment.

People with high blood sugar or diabetes are more likely to have testosterone deficiency.

Mr. Salim said, "There are about two crore diabetic patients in Bangladesh and 90 percent of them have diabetes not under control. Although not all of them are men, those who are are testosterone deficient. Erectile dysfunction is also high among them.”

Another reason is obesity. Excess body fat directly contributes to testosterone deficiency.

Also, those who have to undergo various types of radiation or undergo chemotherapy due to medical reasons, have testosterone deficiency.

If one's testicles are damaged due to trauma or accident, there are genetic problems, then this hormone may be deficient.

According to a Cleveland Clinic study, 30 percent of men who are obese have low testosterone levels. And in men of normal weight, this rate is only 6 percent. And 25 percent of men with type-2 diabetes have testosterone deficiency. Among normal men, the rate is 13 percent.

How is prevention possible?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, if low testosterone levels are caused by genetics, damage to the testicles, or damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, there is no treatment.

However, by making some lifestyle changes or additions, testosterone levels can be kept normal. These are,
  • Eat healthy food
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep weight under control
  • Avoid excessive alcohol and drug use
Endocrinologist Dr. Shahzada Salim said, to prevent testosterone deficiency, body weight must be reduced.
Second, stay away from excessive heat and radiation. When working with radiation, safety measures must be followed properly to minimize the risk.

Diabetes should be kept under control.

If you have mumps, you must consult a doctor so that the testicles are not damaged.

Try to eat pesticide free food. Above all, he emphasized on healthy living.

What is the treatment?

There is actually no single treatment to reduce testosterone deficiency. Because testosterone deficiency treatment is actually symptom based. It is not dimension based.

However, some symptoms can be alleviated with hormone replacement therapy. Symptoms such as sexual desire, general symptoms of depression and lack of motivation to work may decrease.

There are different types of hormone replacement therapy and they have many side effects. So a doctor's advice should be followed regularly.

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