Information you can know about the pros and cons of 'Superfood'

 Information you can know about the pros and cons of 'Superfood'

One of the most famous vegetables of Bangladesh is sajina or sajne leaf. It is mainly used in our country as an accessory of different types of food.

But this vegetable has a lot of nutrients. Even globally Sajina is known as 'super food'.

But very few people are aware of its qualities. What is in Sajina? Why is it called a 'super food'?

'Nutritional dynamite' Sajna

The scientific name of Moringa Oleifera is Moringa Oleifera. It is called 'drumstick tree' in English because of the shape of the seed pods.

This tree grown in the backyard is also called the 'multivitamin tree' because of its nutritional, medicinal properties and year-round yield.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), sajina is native to South Asia. It grows almost all over the world except in the colder countries.

It is cultivated in significant quantities, especially in tropical regions. There are 13 species of saginae found all over the world.

Sagina is used in the traditional treatment of diseases like gonorrhea or malaria in these regions.

Due to its nutritional and medicinal properties at the same time, Sajina is also called the 'Wonder Tree' and 'Nutritional Dynamite'.

Sajina is also called the 'wonder tree' and 'nutritional dynamite'.

Versatile Uses of Sajina

The leaves, roots and unripe pods of sajina are eaten as a vegetable. Besides, the whole part of this plant including bark, pods, leaves, nuts, seeds, tubers, roots and flowers can be eaten.

The John Hopkins magazine published by the Johns Hopkins University in the United States has termed sajina as a 'powerful weapon' to combat malnutrition in arid and remote areas.

Based on observations, evidence and several scientific studies, it states that sajin has a lot of nutritional and medicinal properties.

Its leaves are more nutritious than vegetables. Sajina leaves contain 38 percent nutrients with nine types of essential amino acids.

It also contains iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins A, B and C.

Saginaw seeds contain protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

But the magazine noted that simply concluding the effectiveness of sajina as 'good for health' would not be an adequate assessment.

Mature saginar seeds are also available as vegetable oil, which can be used in cooking or in machines.

Apart from this, the carnivorous bacteria present in the seeds of sagina coagulates and separates them. So the powder obtained from the seeds can be used to purify drinking water.

Nutritionist Samia Tasnim says, because of the high amount of antioxidants and amino acids in sajina, it is very beneficial for skin and hair.

Sajina leaves are more nutritious than vegetables.

Medicinal properties of sajina

Not only a food ingredient, sajina also has medicinal properties. Its bark, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, seeds and even its gum act as remedies for various diseases.

Leaves can be cut up to seven times a year. Sajina is also nicknamed the "miracle plant" because it is fast growing, drought-resistant, and many parts of the plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine in South Asia.

According to Indian Ayurvedic scriptures, sajina plant protects people from 300 different diseases. Modern science also supports this idea.

An article published in the National Library of Medicine, the world's largest medical library run by the US government, mentions the medicinal properties of sagina.

It is said that Sajina is used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicine. Even in traditional methods, sajina is used to treat many diseases.

In particular, studies conducted on laboratory animals have shown that the leaves and seeds of the Saginaw plant produce protective bioactive compounds.

As a result, it has strong cardio-protective and anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties, which protect against cancer and even prevent the spread of tumors in the body.

Soybeans contribute to the production of "good" cholesterol.
Sajjan pods contain seeds rich in oleic acid, which contributes to the production of high levels of "good" cholesterol in the body.

In 2013, a study on the common uses of sagina was published in the International Journal of Phytotherapy.

It is said that the dried leaves of the Sajina tree contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges, nine times more protein than yogurt, 10 times more vitamin A than hemp and 15 times more potassium than bananas.

It is also said to contain 17 times more calcium than milk and 25 times more iron than spinach.

In other words, for any food component, the same food component is several times more abundant in the leaves, pods and seeds of sajina.

Apart from this, sagina root extract plays a significant role as an anti-inflammatory, wound and anti-tumor agent.

According to nutritionist Samia Tasnim, sajina is rich in potassium and its leaf juice or vegetable or tea helps control and reduce high blood pressure.

He also said that it also plays a role in reducing weight through cholesterol balance.

Medicinal uses of sagina

According to the Agricultural Information Service website, sajina is particularly beneficial for body, ear and headache problems.

If there is pain or swelling in any part of the body, application of sajina root cures the pain and swelling.

Apart from this, eating sajina gum with milk and massaging the forehead cures headache.

Saginar flower relieves constipation and improves eyesight.

And drinking flower juice mixed with milk removes urinary stones. At the same time, it is particularly beneficial in asthma.

Sajina leaf juice mixed with salt removes gas in the stomach of children and its chutney improves digestion.

This juice is used to treat heart disease and increase blood flow.

Johns Hopkins magazine mentions six studies conducted in India on Sajina. It has been found that Sajina leaf extract lowers blood glucose in type 2 diabetes patients.

Eating Sajina leaves relieves painful fevers and colds and the juice of its leaves cures polyuria. Sajina leaf paste is useful for wound healing.

Sajina fruits are regularly cooked and eaten to get relief from gout.

Massaging its seed oil relieves various rheumatic pains, numbness and skin diseases.

Saginaw juice is used as an antiseptic for insect bites.

Sajina strengthens the immune system of the body. It also helps in removing toxins, heavy metals from the body and helps the body absorb radiation and chemotherapy.

It is also mentioned on the website that Sajina has an effective role in the treatment of respiratory problems, headaches, migraines, arthritis and hair loss.

Sajina also plays an effective role in the treatment of respiratory problems, headaches, migraines, arthritis and hair loss

"Iron Man" Sajina

According to an article published by the University of California, if Sabzi was imagined with superheroes, then Sajna would be Iron Man.

Saginaw has a chemical structure similar to that of 'broccoli'.

Many studies have shown that broccoli helps prevent certain types of cancer and in many cases moderates behavioral symptoms in people with autism.

Jed Fahey, director of the School of Medicine's Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chemoprotection Center, said in an article published in Johns Hopkins magazine, "I am convinced that sagina will eventually also have anti-cancer properties.

Many biochemists, including him, believe saginae could become a major food source in regions that will become hotter and drier in the coming decades due to climate change.

Mr Fahey believes this will help fight global hunger and malnutrition.

"People in the dry and poor areas of the tropics, where it actually grows, will benefit the most. That's where the plant can be a lifesaver," he said.

Two to three types of sajina are available in our country.

Cultivation of sajina in Bangladesh

Perennial Saginaw cultivars bear repeated crops almost throughout the year. Flowers and young pods are always seen on this plant.

Two to three types of sajina are available in our country.

According to the information of the Ministry of Agriculture, 83 thousand 381 metric tons of sajina have been cultivated in 8 thousand 675 hectares of land in the fiscal year 2021-22.

Besides, 2 thousand 473 kg of sajina was exported from Bangladesh in the financial year 2022-23.

But this amount is very less.

Navadwip Mallik started the commercial cultivation of sajina in Dumuria, Khulna. He tried to export the powder produced by pulverizing sajina leaves through a third party.

However, as this powder is not prepared in a specific way without the touch of hands at all, even after sending the samples, the buyers did not buy it in the end.

So far, commercial cultivation of sajina has not started in Bangladesh, said the agricultural officer. Aminur Islam.

However, this official said that Sajina is among the vegetables which have been taken up to the commercial level.

Disadvantages of Sajina

Saginaw leaves can also be antifertility in some cases.
Although sajina leaves have a lot of nutritional and medicinal properties, they can also be harmful to the body due to side effects in certain cases. An article published in the National Library of Medicine mentions some of its risks.

1 For pregnant women: Sajina leaves are sufficient to meet the daily requirement of iron and calcium. But in some cases it can also be antifertility.

2 Thyroid treatment: Sajina plays a helpful role in thyroid but may cause problems when mixed with other drugs during thyroid treatment.

3 For diabetics: Sajina leaves lowers blood sugar. In some cases it can cause blood sugar levels to drop too low.

4 For blood pressure medication: Sajina is used to lower blood pressure. However, taking it with blood pressure-lowering drugs may lower blood pressure excessively.

According to nutritionist Samia Tasnim, people with kidney problems should not eat sajina.

Because kidney patients are restricted in potassium, phosphorus and protein. On the other hand, sajon leaves contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus and protein.

However, Sajina is very useful in protecting the kidneys of healthy normal people, he said.

Besides, the powder produced from saginar leaves is relatively expensive.

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