How to Increase Sex Power: 15 Tips to Increase Sex Power Naturally

 How to Increase Sex Power: 15 Tips to Increase Sex Power Naturally

For most men and women, it is normal to experience a slight decline in sexual ability, stamina or drive as we age. But what if you and your partner want to enjoy stronger sex? There are several ways to increase sexual energy naturally, including taking Ayurvedic Power Capsules for Men, doing Kegel exercises, enjoying foreplay and using Ayurvedic Power Oil for Men.

Sex power is mainly related to your sexual performance. Sexual performance primarily refers to ejaculation at the desired time after penetration, including foreplay and postplay. It helps us to understand that sexual performance is the duration of your sex that starts with foreplay and ends with postplay. So, if you want to know how to increase sex drive naturally, Then it will help you uncover the answer to how to improve sex time, check out the article thoroughly.

We will discuss top 15 tips to increase sex drive naturally.

1. How dosha test can help to increase sexual power.

Everyone has a primal fault that affects their physical and mental health and tendencies. The three doshas include Kapha, Vata and Pitta.

When it comes to sexual health, those with a Kapha constitution may be able to have intercourse more frequently without depleting their energy (ojas). Those with Vata dosha are advised to preserve your ojas by having less frequent intercourse. Those with predominant pitta dosha have the best balance and can enjoy regular intercourse.

How can dosha test help to increase sexual power?

Ayurvedic treatments are based on the principle of tridosha, which states that the three energies that govern our health are kapha, pitta and vata. These energies are in constant flux and when they are out of balance, they can cause various ailments, including low sexual energy.

The dosha test helps Ayurvedic practitioners know about the ratio of these three energies in a person's body. This allows them to understand the imbalance of these energies if a person's body is responsible for low sexual energy. They use various techniques to increase sexual energy while restoring balance to the body, including massage, herbal remedies, yoga and meditation.

2. Yoga asana to improve sexual power and timing

Yoga not only helps improve flexibility and core strength, but it can also help with sex drive and energy. Considering how to improve sex time is just as important as how to increase sexual energy because both are closely related to each other. There are some yoga poses you can try to naturally increase your sex drive and duration:

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Bridge pose is designed to help strengthen the pelvic floor which can help promote thrusting power.

One Legged Pigeon (Ek Pada Rajakapotasana)

Pigeon pose helps stretch and open your hips, improving your range of motion and making sex more comfortable. It can help you try different sex positions.

Happy Child (Ananda Balasan)

Happy Baby Pose helps relax your entire body while stretching the glutes and lower back. This is a variant of the missionary position and an easy way to increase your sex power through yoga.

3. Use male potency oil to improve male sexual potency

Ayurvedic male potency oils are massage oils made with herbs and oils hand-selected for their sex-enhancing properties.

Vaidya's Shilajit Oil is an energy oil for men that has helped thousands of men gain stamina and strength. The driving force behind this oil is that it improves blood circulation and acts as a light sensitizer.
Collectively, these properties result in a power oil designed to help promote stamina and energy.

4. Manage stress

High stress and anxiety can increase blood pressure and heart rate to affect your sexual desire, erection and performance. This can distract you and make work less enjoyable.

Men need to control stress to increase sex time. Exercise is a healthy way to reduce stress, improve health and sexual energy.

Yoga practice helps calm the mind, improves strength, endurance and agility. Asanas such as Bhujangasana, Naukasana, Shalvasana, Dhanurasana, and Uttanapadasana can help manage stress and improve sexual stamina.

5. Herbs to increase sexual power

Herbs can help overcome sexual problems and improve energy, satisfaction and pleasure. Ayurveda uses many herbs known as aphrodisiacs to increase sexual energy and desire in men.

Here are herbs to increase sexual energy:


Shilajit is a top herb for treating sexual problems ranging from lack of desire to premature ejaculation.

This sticky substance found in Himalayan rocks possesses aphrodisiac properties. Rich in 85 minerals like iron, zinc, Shilajit increases stamina, energy levels and reduces fatigue or weakness. It increases testosterone which increases sexual desire, energy and performance and that too naturally!
The recommended dose of Shilajit is 250 mg per day. Use the spoon provided with Shilajit Resin to dissolve a pea-sized portion of pure Shilajit Resin in 100ml of water or milk. Drink it daily on an empty stomach.

Safed Musali

This Ayurvedic herb is a proven solution to increase libido, testosterone and performance in men.

Saponin present in Safed Musli helps in increasing libido and desire. Being a key chemical or revitalizing herb, it rejuvenates the body, helps improve blood supply to the penile nerves and thus, helps you last longer. All these benefits make Safed Muesli a common ingredient in many tablets to increase sex time. Half a teaspoon of white muesli powder with a cup of milk can be taken twice a day after meals.


Ashwagandha, or Indian ginseng, is one of the favorite herbs for men to increase their sexual potency and duration. This viagra or aphrodisiac herb reduces stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels.

Ashwagandha maintains optimal testosterone levels to ensure proper sexual function. It helps to increase libido or sexual desire in men.

It improves muscle mass, strength and endurance to improve your performance in bed. One teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder or one Ashwagandha capsule can be taken twice a day with milk after two to three months.


Nutmeg or nutmeg has been used for centuries to spice up men's sex lives. This powerful aphrodisiac herb stimulates the nervous system to increase libido. It improves penile erection, prolongs ejaculation time and intensifies sexual activity in the long run.

Sprinkle some nutmeg on your coffee or cereal or add a pinch of nutmeg powder to a glass of warm milk and drink it at bedtime.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep is considered the third pillar of health, but did you know that sleep can affect your libido and performance? Yes, many studies indicate that a good night's sleep can affect sex life. Lack of sleep is associated with decreased sexual desire and arousal.

Sleep is best among men Helps maintain testosterone levels. Sleep deprivation can lower T levels leading to a decreased sense of well-being, decreased vitality, mood and libido. So make sure you get good sleep every night.

7. Priority foreplay

For some men, penetration is the most essential and defining feature of intercourse.

Many men with erectile dysfunction can take comfort in the fact that they can still please their lovers without an erection. In fact, if your partner suffers from erectile dysfunction, it may encourage you to experiment with methods that give you both more satisfaction. Physical contact, kissing, and other forms of oral gratification are all fair game for foreplay. Extending foreplay benefits both partners in the sexual exchange.

Women may benefit more than men from engaging in foreplay. According to a study conducted in 2017, very few women (2017%) experienced orgasm as a result of sexual activity. The same data also showed that 36.6% of women believe that clitoral stimulation is essential for arousal during sexual activity.

8. Use the start-stop method

If a man wants to extend the duration of a sex session, he can try the start-stop technique.

To use this technique, you need to refrain from sexual activity whenever you feel close to ejaculation. By taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, you can delay ejaculation for as long as you want.
By encouraging the body to delay ejaculation, this technique can help a man feel more comfortable with not ejaculating, even during vigorous sexual activity.

9. Explore new avenues

Passion and intensity create ideal conditions for sensual pleasure. If you've been with the same person for a long time, it can be difficult for you to get excited, keep your attention on your partner, and feel pleasure during sex.

It may help to try a new sexual activity, position, or setting. Talking about what you want can lead to more exciting sex.

It can be helpful to try something unusual together outside of the bedroom, such as:- 
  • Co-cooking
  • Adventure activities like trekking
  • going to the museum
  • Discovering a new band
  • Try new sports

It can help people feel closer to each other and spark a new interest even in intimate moments.

10. Manage anxiety and stress

A man's motivation and participation during sex can suffer if he has doubts about his performance. Stress and anxiety can decrease a man's sexual energy and make it difficult to get or keep an erection. Intimacy in sexual relations can also be hindered by these feelings.

To relieve stress and anxiety, try these strategies:
Emphasizing body sensations more than sexual performance

  • Exercise regularly
  • Increased sleep time
  • Make an effort to improve connectivity
  • Devote time to meditation
  • Making time for favorite hobbies
  • Going to therapy
  • Use Medicines to help with stress-related stamina problems

11. Smoking. Stop smoking

Problems getting and maintaining an erection are common in men with high blood pressure and other heart conditions.

Smoking alone is associated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction. According to a meta-analysis of 13 studies conducted in 2015, ex-smokers generally experienced increased sexual performance and decreased erectile dysfunction after quitting the habit.

12. Honest dialogue

If you are afraid to speak up, your sex life may suffer.

It is recommended to discuss sex-related tensions or with the spouse if they exist. A person can feel less alone and deal with any anxiety or guilt by working with others to find solutions. Having a supportive partner who can offer advice and reassurance can be invaluable when dealing with sexual dysfunction.

13. Discuss relationship problems

The cause of sexual problems may lie far beyond the bedroom. If a man feels that his partner is too critical of him, he may experience anxiety during sex, which can reduce the pleasure of the act.

If a couple is having problems in their relationship, they should talk about how they feel instead of blaming each other. Some people find relief in relationships when they discuss their problems with their partners.

14. Take care of long-term health problems

Having trouble getting or keeping an erection can be an indication of an underlying health problem. Good physical health can be achieved through mindful nutrition, regular exercise and stress reduction.

Addressing chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease is also important. If your doctor prescribes medication or lifestyle adjustments, be sure to follow them. Having trouble getting or keeping an erection can be an indication of an underlying health problem. Good physical health can be achieved through mindful nutrition, regular exercise and stress reduction.

Addressing chronic conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease is also important. If your doctor prescribes medication or lifestyle adjustments, be sure to follow them.

15. Consult an expert

Popular pharmaceuticals like Viagra and Cialis are two of several that can improve sexual performance.

Medication is often the fastest treatment method for certain men. For some men, medications for erectile dysfunction can be reduced or even eliminated if they engage in therapy and make positive lifestyle adjustments.

There are some medications that are associated with decreased libido, inability to get or keep an erection, and overall sexual satisfaction. A man's ejaculation pattern and his desire for sex can be affected by antidepressants. Sexual problems are a potential side effect of many antidepressants, but selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can be particularly problematic.

If a man is having sexual side effects of the drug, he should talk to his doctor about how to increase sexual energy naturally.

Here are tips from an Ayurvedic doctor to improve sex drive:

The final word on how to increase sex power
How to increase sexual power naturally has always been a big question for couples facing sexual potency and sexual potency problems. It is not unusual for every man to face one or the other sexual dysfunction from time to time and wonder how he can increase his sex time. Eating a healthy diet, managing stress, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep are some natural ways to increase sex drive.

Another natural way to increase sexual energy for men is to take Ayurvedic medicines that help increase male energy while relieving stress. For stress relief
  • Dr. Vaidya's Herbo24Turbo is a premium male potency capsule that uses ayurvedic ingredients like pure Shilajit and Ashwagandha to help increase men's energy and stamina.

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