Easy ways to increase testosterone or What happens when sex hormones decrease?

 Easy ways to increase testosterone or What happens when sex hormones decrease?

Foods that increase testosterone

Deficiency of this hormone can cause various problems in the male body.
After the age of thirty, the amount of testosterone hormone in the male body starts to decrease. As a result, along with memory loss, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, poor mood, and lack of concentration occur.

Testosterone hormone plays a role not only in creating sexual desire, but also in muscle building.

It also affects bone mass, fat balance, and blood cell and sperm production. This hormone affects muscle mass and strength.

"Testosterone is not just a male hormone," says Lorraine Manaker, registered nutritionist and author of The First Time Mom's Pregnancy Cookbook, The Seven Ingredient Healthy Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility. Women also have normal levels of testosterone. And when these levels drop, bone health weakens, libido declines, and menstrual irregularities occur."

In a report published on itthisnotthat.com, he also said that a person's testosterone levels depend on various factors such as obesity, certain medications, low thyroid function, etc.

Also, diet affects testosterone levels. Some foods do not have a direct effect on testosterone, but adding them to the diet can provide benefits.

Low-fat, high-protein and fried foods have a negative effect on testosterone levels. Anti-inflammatory foods, on the other hand, help keep testosterone levels normal.

But to get rid of this problem, it can be beneficial if you make a habit of eating certain foods regularly.

A nutrition website mentions some foods that help in increasing the secretion of testosterone hormone in the body. The names of those foods are mentioned in this report.


Honey contains the natural healing element boron. This mineral increases testosterone levels and maintains nitric oxide levels. which transmits energy to the penis by dilating the arteries.


This vegetable contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. There is also indole tri-carbinol. This ingredient makes testosterone more effective by reducing the amount of the female hormone estrogen.


The allicin compound in garlic helps reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. As a result, testosterone works well. For better results, eat raw garlic.

The Egg:

Eggs contain saturated fat, omega 3s, vitamin D, cholesterol and protein. These ingredients are essential for the production of testosterone hormone.


The bromelain enzyme in this fruit helps increase testosterone levels. And acts as a source of energy supply for a long time.


A handful of peanuts a day is sufficient for the 'sex drive' of both men and women. These nuts contain zinc which increases the testosterone hormone and increases libido.


Zinc is important in testosterone production. Oysters are rich in minerals. It helps in increasing testosterone levels.
If you don't like oysters, cheese or paneer can be an alternative. Especially Swiss and ricotta cheeses.

Sour fruit:

Apart from reducing stress hormones, Vitamin A has acidifying effects. which is needed to produce testosterone. It also lowers estrogen levels, meaning male hormones can function properly.


It has been proven that this vegetable can reduce estrogen levels. It is also rich in magnesium, vitamin C and E. And these are the building blocks of testosterone.


A study from the University of Hong Kong showed that eating one red grape every day can increase testosterone, improve sperm activity and strengthen it.


According to the International Journal of Impotence Research, 47 percent of impotent men who drank pomegranate juice daily improved their condition.

The Meat:

It is believed that people who do not eat meat at all have low testosterone levels. But be careful before eating too much meat. Researchers from the University of Utah in the United States said that foods made from beef and lamb contain a lot of saturated fat.

Pumpkin seeds:

A natural source of zinc that has an effect on testosterone levels.

A study conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine at the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Michigan, USA, found that testosterone levels doubled in zinc-deficient elderly men after six months of zinc supplementation.


This spice also contains zinc. Ginger reduces oxidative stress in the testicles, increases the activity of certain antioxidant enzymes, normalizes blood sugar, increases nitric oxide production and blood flow. These factors have a positive effect on testosterone.


Contains 13 essential nutrients including one lesser known, boron.

Taking it as a supplement has been shown to increase testosterone levels, according to a study conducted by Israel's Ariel University.

Boron can also be obtained from dry and cooked peas, potatoes, potatoes and vegetables if you want to avoid milk fat.

Salmon: Rich in testosterone boosting nutrients like vitamin D, omega three fatty acids and selenium.

A study conducted jointly by Brazil's North Fluminense State University and Italy's University of Pajua found that men taking salmon oil supplements for 90 days increased their testosterone levels.

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